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Digital Leaders at Bett 2019

The main purpose of our visit was to meet up with technology companies leading change in Education. Mr Bailey, our external I.T advisor, had set up lots of meetings and trials with various companies. Over the two days at BETT our digital leaders took part in a full ‘now>press>play’ interactive experience, were interviewed about their role as Digital Leaders by ‘BETT Radio’, were invited to take part in a live demonstration of ‘Learning By Questions’ and were invited to try out the very latest in touch screen technology and virtual reality. The highlight of the visit was the presentation that our children delivered on a ‘10 year olds guide to online safety’. This was presented fantastically by our 4 children on the ‘Net Support’ stand and drew a big crowd who listened and even cried at the video shown at the end. After the presentation 4 individual people came up to me to share that they had thought the presentation and video were the best thing they had seen all week at BETT! Since arriving back I have been approached by several people who want to use the video as part of staff and Governor training. Mr Bailey is also going to put original backing music to the video to enable us to post the video on YouTube and other video sites, so that we can share our powerful message that ‘Words Hurt’ to a wider audience.