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Remote Education Provision

Remote learning refers to learning that is completed away from the physical school building. There maybe times where children are required to learn remotely. We understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote working whether for an individual pupil, a class/year group or for the whole school. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed. Our aim is to try and follow the intended curriculum whether students are in school, working from home, or a combination of the two. 
A child’s first day of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching. On the first day children will be able to access Online material from the providers below. They will also have access to their individual reading books and activities, their spellings and 10 for 10 and to their Home Learning projects.
The first day will be used by staff to plan learning activities that are appropriate for the range of learners in each class and ensure that these are accessible for individual needs. Sometimes it takes additional time for class teachers to prepare home learning resources. To support live lessons, timetables will need to be constructed and shared with instructions for parents.
We aim to ensure that the highest standards of teaching and learning remain and that children continue to receive a quality education. Live lessons will be delivered by children's class teachers, supported by their teaching Assistants.