Pupil and Parent Voice
At Birchwood Primary School in the Reception classes the children are involved in planning and reviewing their learning on a weekly basis.
The children discuss their learning during activities and whilst working in their class and the learning environment. Parents are given information about the learning each week through both the website and the weekly home learning sheet.
Parent Voice
Parents are welcomed into Reception and invited to attend storytime sessions before their child begins school. These sessions are an opportunity for both parents and children to get to know the staff from across the Reception team. We also offer a welcome meeting for parents to provide information about the school, how the day runs in Reception and provide an opportunity to look around the setting and ask any questions they may have. Class teachers are available at the start and end of the day to pass on any small messages and ‘touch base’ about the day.
Parents are regularly informed of events within school through our newsletter, the Birchwood Bugle; the school website and social media. If parents have any queries or questions that they wish to discuss that need an appointment, they can always make an appointment to see their child’s class teacher or a member of the senior leadership team by coming to the school office. A member of the Senior Leadership team is usually available before and after school to discuss parents views and opinions.
We also welcome parents to meet with, email or ring the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENDCo) to discuss anything regarding their child. Parents are also invited to meet with a member of the SEND team during a review of their child's Individual Education Plan (IEP) , and a phone consultation is available if they are not able to attend in person. The SENDCo is also available during parents evenings if parents wish to chat about anything regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Please contact Mrs Ella Webb on 01827 892913 regarding anything connected to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Pupil Voice
Pupils in KS1 and KS2 are able to elect a representative on the School Council. Pupils are then asked to share ideas that can be implemented within school and the local community. They are also responsible for deciding on the charity for the year for the school.