At Birchwood all of our children experience a broad and balanced curriculum through our inclusive ethos. We promote a whole school approach to SEND, supporting our vision and values for all children to become confident, secure and caring individuals who achieve personal success and develop a love of learning.
We believe that all children have the right to rich opportunities and memorable experiences and we are committed to making this accessible to everyone by removing any barriers to learning and participation. We aim to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment, valuing individuals for their unique talents and abilities, with the aim that all young people can learn and develop to their full potential.
Birchwood follows the guidance in the SEND Code of practice and has high expectations for all pupils with SEND. Early identification of SEND needs is prioritised through clear whole school processes, including working collaboratively with parents from the outset. Staff have a clear understanding of the need for a graduated response, where quality first teaching and adaptive strategies are deployed before Individual Education Plans and the use of external support is introduced in a timely manner.
At Birchwood, we deliver pupil centred school support in which staff strive to understand the strengths and needs of the pupil and where appropriate make tailored adaptations to the learning resources or curriculum. Throughout this process, pupil involvement in the identification of their own targets and progress is integral. Effective support for pupils is achieved through using the expertise within the school; multi agency collaboration and partnership working; careful consideration at each transition point both within and between schools; and a combination of strategically planned and bespoke CPD to develop staff knowledge at all levels.
Environmental support as well as timely and purposeful interventions which have clearly identified outcomes are planned and timetabled to ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is maintained for all. The importance of positive social relationships, both with peers and with adults throughout the school day is recognised for the positive impact these have on pupil progress. We build independence through developing confidence, resilience and personal strategies enabling children not only to be successful academically but also socially.
We measure the impact of our approach to and provision for SEND through the following methods: pupil discussions and interviews about their learning; assessment of standards and evidence of pupils’ work; external agency reports and assessments; emotional and behavioural questionnaires and Individual Education Plans as part of the ‘assess, plan, do and review’ cycle. The voice of the pupil and the family play an integral role in the ongoing qualitative assessment of pupil achievements. Both carefully planned and incidental opportunities to collect this are used to gain a full picture of the child and to set appropriately challenging targets for the future.
By the time children leave Birchwood, they are confident enthusiastic and independent learners. Pupils will have experienced a broad and balanced curriculum, enabling them to develop skills of self-discipline and a sense of pride and respect for themselves and others. All children will have experienced rich opportunities and memorable experiences which will have developed within them a thirst for learning thus preparing them for the next stage of their education and providing them with the skills needed to be highly adaptable to the changes they may face in life.