Chat Health
Chat Health is a service offered by Warwickshire health visitors and school nurses to parents and carers through a text messaging service. Parents and carers can text to ask for advice on any health and wellbeing concerns from a health visitor (for 0 to 5 ages) or a school nurse (for ages 5 to 19). There is a different Chat Health number available for young people aged from 11 to 19 to use themselves:
- Text a health visitor on 07520 615 293, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm
- Text a school nurse on 07520 619 376, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm
- Call 03300 245 204
- Email
Our team includes a range of healthcare professionals, who can offer you support with topics such as:
- Healthy eating
- Dental health
- Friendships and relationships
- Bullying
- Anxieties about changing schools
- Parenting
- Behaviour
- Fussy eating
- Sleep
- Continence
- Referral onto additional services
- Emotional wellbeing including stress and anxiety