Welcome To Our New Website!

Why is reading so important?

At Birchwood, we value the importance of reading in everything that we do. We truly believe that reading is the gateway to the rest of the curriculum. Research shows that 85% of the National Curriculum requires a child to be able to read. We therefore put a huge emphasis on reading from the moment your child starts at Birchwood, in order to make their journey as a reader as easy and enjoyable as possible. 
Please find below our Intent, Implementation and Impact statements for Early Reading and Phonics as well as Reading.
The Reading Curriculum has been mapped out across Reception to Year 6. Please find below a copy of our Reading Curriculum Map.
We understand the importance that parents also have on developing their child as a reader and therefore offer multiple opportunities to provide support, guidance and suggestions to help them when at home.
To further support this, our Reading Lead hosted a Reading Drop In service as part of our Autumn Parent's Evening focussed around Reading for Pleasure, Book Recommendations, Phonics support and Reading help.